Fans - Take It
Take It is the third song released from Fans’ debut EP, Born Into. Mining solid indie rock strata, throwing on simple but elegant guitar lines and handclaps, it’s like listening to early Strokes or Interpol with a social conscience implant.
The record is basically based around the idea that social mobility is an illusion, that what circumstances you’re Born Into, 90% of the time is where you’ll end up. A feeling that people who are poor aren’t valued and have no real control or voice. It is literally becoming a crime to be poor which is fucking mental, and if you happen to be in that situation then it seems like human life ceases to have any value.
Born Into was produced and recorded by Matt Peel (Eagulls, Pulled Apart By Horses), and is out later this month. You can also catch Fans live in Leeds and London, dates below.
Tour dates
September 18th - Leeds - Nation of Shopkeepers
September 26th - London - Amersham Arms