The Smiths - Jeane
Look, you can hardly start criticising The Smiths for not including Jeane on an album when its a-side, This Charming Man was a standalone single whose first album appearance was Hatful of Hollow. Not only that, but The Smiths is not exactly a bad début, all things considered.
No, where you might be on more solid ground is by why, given the existence of three non-album track albums (who shaves the barber’s head again?) in Hatful of Hollow, Louder Than Bombs and The World Won’t Listen, Jeane didn’t resurface until 2008, when it was granted a spot on mega-collection The Sound of The Smiths.
Before that, the song’s most significant moment was perhaps in helping Martin Rossiter, Steve Mason, Matt James amd Kevin Miles come up with a name for their mid-90s indie rock group. In hindsight, given all the other reasons the music press used to comparive Gene unfavourably with The Smiths (artwork, lyrics, vocals, songs…), perhaps it would have been better not to have given them one more stick to beat with.