Goldfrapp - Drew
Never ones to sit still for long, in 2013 Goldfrapp launched themselves in yet another new direction with Tales of Us. This time there would be no more folktronica, no more glam, no more pagan psychedelia, and no more 80s synthpop. Instead, Tales of Us consists of ten stories told small, acoustic guitars and only the lushest of strings accompanying Alison Goldfrapp’s haunting, breathy vocals.
The consistency of mood and style, so unusual for a Goldfrapp album, is not without its problems: after repeated listens a few tracks stand out, leaving the remainder to mass together in their indistinct melancholia. With each further listen, it becomes ever harder to disentangle them, leaving Tales of Us as an album that gently caresses you as it passes through, without leaving any permanent trace.
Drew is one of the undoubted highlights: a gently rising storm in an ocean of sweeping strings.