This is how it feels to be Indie - Show 4 - Radio Scarborough by Adam Jeffery on Mixcloud

Welcome to your weekly catch up on the “This Is How It Feels To Be Indie” radio show hosted by Adam Jeffery on Radio Scarborough. Last week’s show brought us some great tunes from the likes of Pulp, Ash and The New Radicals alongside some new bands such as Lily and The Autumn Stones. Myself and Mr RRP himself Neil were pleased to see that a weekly Trashcan Sinatras theme seems to be emerging on the show, which in my opinion can only be a good thing.”

As well as the regular features such as “Johnny’s Lost Indie Classics”, there was something new for everyone to take part in via Twitter last week. The lovely Everything Indie Over 40 has joined forces with Adam to host a competition called “The Best of a Best Of”. Each week they will be picking a Best Of album by an indie band and asking folks to vote for their favourite track from the album. The winning track will then be played on the show and you could get a mention live on air if you voted for it. The first album to be scrutinised was The Best of James and the winning track was Born of Frustration. Keep an eye out on Twitter for next week’s album and give it your vote.

If you missed last week’s show, fear not, you can listen to it again on Mixcloud here.

So, who do we have on this week’s instalment of “The Indie Vigil” then? To those of you in the know in the indie community, if I mentioned The Red House Painters or maybe #26across would it be obvious?  I guess if I then said the Monster Munch story (which is a tale that cannot be published for many reasons including the fact that you wouldn’t actually want to know) I would hope that you have correctly guessed that this week it’s Mr David Bruce.

Before we get into his track choices, let’s have a little bit of background about David:

I live in Seaham on the north-east coast with my wife and son. I support the mighty monkey-hangers Hartlepool United and worship The Fall. I genuinely dislike cheese, coathangers and Ikea.

A man after my own heart on both the cheese thing and Ikea [Editor’s note: The views of Nicola and David are not necessarily the views of RRP, where strong cheese and Allen keys are generally welcomed]. Anyway, these are the 3 tracks that David has chosen:

Something Old

The Units - High Pressure Days (1980)

I first heard this on a Rough Trade compilation a few years back and fell in love with it. Synth-punk magnificence way ahead of its time. Still sounds incredible today, taken from the just re-released Digital Stimulation LP. Every home should have one.

Something Borrowed

The Happy MondaysPerformance

When I was 16/17, like everyone else, I went to loads of house parties and a mate of mine used to take his vinyl and DJ. Invariably, his records would be “borrowed”, never to be seen again. The Mondays’ Bummed was one of the first to go, mainly I’d imagine for the mucky inner sleeve rather than the tunes. Anyhow, this is one of the top 5 British albums of all time and I could have picked pretty much anything from it, but I’m going for Performance cos it still makes me laugh today.

Something New


Title track from the album of the year so far.  Nuff said

And there you have it. Big thanks to David for sharing his track choices with us.  Remember, if you want to get involved email Adam at and include why you’ve picked the songs and a bit about yourself so we can feature your story on these very pages.

Listen in to the show next week to find out who will be featured in the vigil and then come and join us for a catch up along with a replay of their tracks.

And finally, don’t forget to tune in to on a Wednesday night to hear some great music and chat.