For a track that threatens to veer off into fairly progressive waters, Wasps, the second track And So I Watch You From Afar have chosen to showcase their forthcoming album Heirs, is impressively powerful, and manages to never get tied up in the complex strands of its own intricate fretwork.

In fact, aside from the fast, repetitive guitar-work, the song itself is pretty straightforward. The calls and cries of a chorus of backing singers are the only thing to break the instrumental flow, and with the exception of a few seconds up an octave or so, the guitar just loops around and around while the rhythm section drives and drives; Wasps is fairly steady, tonally, and there’s no abrupt changes of pace or style to break the steady but powerful groove it develops in the course of its two and a half minutes.

Heirs is out on May 4th, via Sargent House. You can pre-order the album now from iTunes.

Tour Dates

And So I Watch You From Afar have a pretty serious travelling schedule lined up for the next few months. You can catch them across Europe between now and July:

15/04 Moscow, RUS @ Teatr Club

16/04 St. Petersburg, RUS @ Kosmonavt

17/04 Yekaterinburg, RUS @ Nirvana Club

18/04 Glasgow, UK @ King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut *

19/04 Manchester, UK @ Gorilla *

30/04 Bristol, UK @ Marble Factory *

01/05 London, UK @ Islington Assembly Hall *

02/05 Dunkerque, FR @ Les 4 Ecluses *

03/05 Luxembourg, LUX @ Den Atelier *

04/05 Paris, FR @ La Fleche D’or *

06/05 Molenbeek Saint Jean, BE @ Vk *

07/05 Rotterdam, NE @ Rotown *

08/05 Eindhoven, NE @ Effenaar, Small Hall *

09/05 Deventer, NE @ Burgerweeshuis *

10/05 Nantes, FR @ Le Ferrailleur *

11/05 Clermont Ferrand, FR @ La Cooperative De Mai Club *

12/05 Zurich, CH @ Dynamo *

13/05 Bern, CH @ Dachstock @ Reitschule *

14/05 Geneva, CH @ Usine *

15/05 Milan, IT @ Leoncavallo *

16/05 Rome, IT @ TBA *

17/05 Modena, IT @ La Tenda *

19/05 Ljubljana, SLO @ Kino Siska *

20/05 Zagreb, CR @ Zedno Uho Festival *

21/05 Budapest, HU @ Durer Kert *

22/05 Vienna, AT @ Arena *

23/05 Munich, DE @ Ampere *

25/05 Prague, CZ @ NoD Teatro *

26/05 Wiesbaden, DE @ Schlachthof *

27/05 Leipzig, DE @ Taubchental *

28/05 Berlin, DE @ Bi Nuu *

29/05 Hamburg, DE @ Logo *

30/05 Essen, DE @ Zeche Carl *

31/05 Cologne, DE @ Underground *

01/06 Amsterdam, NE @ Paradiso *

19/06 Dublin, IE @ Olympia

20/06 Belfast, UK @ Mandela Hall

09/07 Cheltenham, UK @ 2000 Trees Festival

24/07 Beelen, DE @ Krach am Bach

25/07 Sheffield, UK @ Tramlines Festival

  • w/ Mylets